Tuesday Night 8 Week Beginner sessions in OTIS
Well our 8 week session is winding down with just 2 weeks left to go. Made some great new friends and it was immensely satisfying to see them able to get out on the dance floor with us last Saturday night at the Russell VFW event (Sponsored by the AMVETS). We want to give a big shout out to Wendy and Kevin for sponsoring these beginner sessions, Kris for coming out and supporting and Maria for assisting every week.
You guys Rock.....
Country Dance Night at the Russell VFW (Sponsored by the AMVETS)
Speaking of Russell, last Saturday was awesome with 92 people in attendance!! We had more people ask for business cards in 1 night than in the last 2 months. The people that run the place were very friendly and all around great folks and by the way, Chickenwire REALLY rocked the house. If you missed them, the BAD NEWS is you missed a great show. These guys were awesome! The GOOD NEWS is they’re ALWAYS AWESOME and you get another chance to see them, this Friday, April 26th at the Chicopee AMVETS. Playing upbeat toe tapping rhythms, they will keep you up on the floor and dancing all night long with a mix of Country, Rock n Roll, hot Southern Rock. See ya there.
Dance Night Thursdays in Palmer

New Venue Granby!
Other Upcoming EVENTS - Save the Dates
- May 25& 26 Mishnock Barn Rhode Trip
- June 21st - Almost Summer Bash at the Chicopee AMVETS
- July 13 The Waylau OEP Pot Luck BBQ
- July 21st Harmony House Benefit & Demo
- August 22-24 Hampton Beach Road Trip
- October 21-23rd Martha's Vineyard Laid-back Informal Tour & Rode Trip
- December 6-8th East Hill Farm Country Weekend